I am looking for Church members, leaders, ministers to start a local group within their Church.
Please feel free to use this information anyway you would like:
Hi I am forming a group for the Church called Tribute to Our Troops or another name, this group will be under put who is in charge here.
I am looking for Veteran Team members who are veterans, and Associate member who will support this group as well.
Associate Team Leaer (s) and members
Veteran Team Leader (s) and members
I will be forwarding information to you by email or phone which ever is easiest for now.
The mission of this group is:
1. To pray for our country, President, military leadership, chaplains, and our troops wherever they are. This ministry includes the men and ladies of our armed forces.
2. Pray for each other as a group and other members, including the leadership of our Church.
3. Look for opportunities to reach out to remind those in the Church to pray as well for our troops, and that leadership.
4. Establish a day a week to pray for our troops, right now Fridays have been established as the day to do this by Chaplains request that are overseas.
1. Contact through e-mails or phone at first.
2. Set a meeting for prayer together a least once a month for now
3. Get members that consist of veterans and associates for those who support and will be part of this group.
4. Have Friday set up as a day for people to wear a red tee shirt or shirt that says: "I Support Our Troops"
Contact me here: