Gary Eaton (sister-in-law's brother) Vietnam US Army
Roger Warren Elix Section 47 grave 1356 1/21/71 Vietnam US Army
SP4 William L. Mercier - ARMY - Vietnam
Lcpl Lawrence w. Mercier - USMC - Vietnam
LCPL. Jacob Beisel Marine Iraq
Fallen Female heroes: Capt. Gussie M. Jones, 41, from 31st Combat Support Hospital, 31st Air Defense Artillery, from Fort Bliss, Texas. Pfc. Nichole M. Frye, 19, from Army Reserve, Company A, 415th Civil Affairs Battalion, based in Kalamazoo, Mich. Pfc. Holly J. McGeogh, 19, from Company A, 4th Forward Support Battalion, 4th Infantry Division (Mech), based at Fort Hood, Texas. Spc. Tamarra J. Ramos, 24, from 3rd Armor Medical Company, Medical Troop Regimental Support Squadron, 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment, Fort Carson, Colo. Sgt. Keicia Melia Hines, 27, from 108th Military Police Company, 503rd Military Police Battalion (Airborne), Fort Bragg, N.C. Capt. Kimberly N. Hampton, 27, from 1st Battalion, 82nd Aviation Battalion, 82nd Airborne Division, Fort Bragg, N.C. Staff Sgt. Kimberly A. Voelz, 27, from 703rd Explosive Ordnance Detachment, Fort Knox, Ky. Sgt. Linda C. Jimenez, 39, from 2nd Squadron Combat Support Aviation (Maintenance), 2nd Armored Cavalry Regiment, Fort Polk, La. Chief Warrant Officer (CW5) Sharon T. Swartworth, 43, Judge Advocate General Office, Headquarters Department of the Army, Pentagon Pfc. Karina S. Lau, 20, from 16th Signal Battalion, Fort Hood, Texas Spc. Frances M. Vega, 20, from 151st Adjutant General Postal Detachment 3, Fort Hood, Texas Pfc. Rachel K. Bosveld, 19, from 527th Military Police Company, V Corps, Giesen, Germany Pfc. Analaura Esparza Gutierrez, 21, from A Company, 4th Forward Support Battalion, Fort Hood, Texas Spc. Alyssa R. Peterson, 27, from C Company, 311th Military Intelligence Battalion, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault), Fort Campbell, Ky. Sgt. Melissa Valles, 26, from B Company, 64th Forward Support Battalion, Fort Carson, Colo. Pfc. Lori Ann Piestewa, 23, from 507th Ordnance Maintenance Company, Fort Bliss, Texas.
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